
For the next 4 months, this test group helps MASTER ecommerce...


You've never sold anything online before, are new to marketing, or have tried ecommerce in the past and failed...


It's the only way to learn from instructors who've generated over 100 MILLION in sales...


Nowhere else in the world can you learn from the same experts who've collectively spent over 600 MILLION in advertising that's generated over a BILLION dollars online...


A Certification that helps you get more clients, impress your friends and family, and get your foot in the door at a Fortune 500 company!

DISCLAIMER: The instructors results are not typical and more people who start an ecommerce business fail than succeed. Because your success is dependent on multiple factors, this test group does NOT promise a return on your investment.

A Preview Of What's Included:

Consulting.com Platform
  • A full 4-month program that walks you through EVERYTHING you need to know about ecommerce
  • Certification of your expertise and an endorsement of your skills upon completing the course and passing the final exam
  • Proven insights from ecommerce experts who've made a minimum of $100,000,000 using the lessons they teach
  • The secrets my business partner Alex Mehr, Ph.D and I used to invest 600 million in paid advertising and generate 1 billion in sales
  • How to use the 4 Ps of business - product, price, promotion, and placement - to start and scale multiple ecommerce businesses
  • A mastery of a skillset that is vital for doing business in the modern economy, so you can start your own business, get paid to consult, and even get your foot in the door at a Fortune 500 company
Claim Your Spot


Because the test group is new, the price to join is at a special low rate. In fact, it's 1/20th the price of a degree. But if investing the amount has you worried, I got your back. If within the first 30 days you want to drop out of the 4-month Ecommerce Specialist Certification, you can do so and get a full refund.

The only thing I ask is you take it seriously if you join. Spacing is limited and if you're one of the handful who make it into the first test group, you'll have a HUGE advantage versus those who join later. Don't waste it.

About Tai Lopez

At the age of 19, Tai Lopez decided to become an entrepreneur after a successful partnership with his first mentor, Joel Salatin. Over the years, he's launched and grown multiple businesses in dozens of industries. From financial products to nightclubs to online education, his ability to catch trends is one of the main secrets behind his success. He recently made headlines when acquiring Dressbarn, a 700 million dollar revenue company, in 2019.

Millions of people around the world have learned from Tai via social media and hundreds of thousands have invested in his paid programs. With this latest test group, you'll get the most up-to-date training in what is now becoming the biggest opportunity of the 21st century: ecommerce. Use this link to join before the test group closes.

Ecom Specialist Certification FAQ

Do I need something to sell before joining the test group?

NO. If you don't have anything to sell, the test group will help you find a product or service. And if you're already selling a product or service, the test group will help you sell more online.

What type of businesses does this work in?

EVERY BUSINESS. There's not a single business in the world that doesn't benefit from the internet. Of course, some businesses are better than others. But the important thing to know is ecommerce is revolutionizing all types of the major industries, including travel, real estate, services, retail, and more.

When will the test group close?

SOON. This will not be available forever. I open and close test groups for multiple reasons. The first is to only let in people who're serious about joining. No tire kickers allowed. The second is because a smaller test group allows me and my team to focus on helping those who make it in. The test group improves over time based on the results of the students.

Will this help me get a job?

YES. Ecommerce specialists will be in huge demand. In fact, they already are this very moment. The demand will increase over time. The Ecomm Specialist Certification is superior to college for one key reason -- college doesn't know a damn thing about selling online. If you want to learn ecommerce, it's best to connect directly with experts.

Does my location matter?

NO. Ecommerce is happening all over the world and it'll only get bigger over time as more people use the internet. You can live in one country and sell in another. It doesn't matter. You can also choose to set up an ecommerce business in a less competitive country than the US. It's up to you.

What happens after I join?

You're in! You'll be the first to access the training as soon as it's released. Because this is a new test group, expect a small delay between each new lesson. To give you an idea of the coursework, SMMA® (a previously launched test group) had a dozen videos when it was first released. It now has over 70 hours of training from dozens of instructors.

How much time will this take me?

4 MONTHS. That's how long the training is designed to last. How much time you actually spend on the material is your decision. I recommend a minimum of 20 minutes a day. The videos will be as quick and to the point as possible. If you're short on time, you can skip ahead to the training you're most interested in.

Does this only work for physical products?

NO. You'll master how to sell anything online. It could be a product OR a service. You can use what you learn to start a store, become an affiliate, or have a competitive advantage when looking for work or pursuing a better-paying position at your current company.

Are the current students satisfied?
Every lesson has 4 out of 4 stars. See for yourself...